Tighter Sparse Approximation Bounds for ReLU Neural Networks

by   Carles Domingo Enrich, et al.

A well-known line of work (Barron, 1993; Breiman, 1993; Klusowski Barron, 2018) provides bounds on the width n of a ReLU two-layer neural network needed to approximate a function f over the ball ℬ_R(ℝ^d) up to error ϵ, when the Fourier based quantity C_f = 1/(2π)^d/2∫_ℝ^dξ^2 |f̂(ξ)| dξ is finite. More recently Ongie et al. (2019) used the Radon transform as a tool for analysis of infinite-width ReLU two-layer networks. In particular, they introduce the concept of Radon-based ℛ-norms and show that a function defined on ℝ^d can be represented as an infinite-width two-layer neural network if and only if its ℛ-norm is finite. In this work, we extend the framework of Ongie et al. (2019) and define similar Radon-based semi-norms (ℛ, 𝒰-norms) such that a function admits an infinite-width neural network representation on a bounded open set 𝒰⊆ℝ^d when its ℛ, 𝒰-norm is finite. Building on this, we derive sparse (finite-width) neural network approximation bounds that refine those of Breiman (1993); Klusowski Barron (2018). Finally, we show that infinite-width neural network representations on bounded open sets are not unique and study their structure, providing a functional view of mode connectivity.


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