Tight Error Bounds for Structured Prediction

by   Amir Globerson, et al.

Structured prediction tasks in machine learning involve the simultaneous prediction of multiple labels. This is typically done by maximizing a score function on the space of labels, which decomposes as a sum of pairwise elements, each depending on two specific labels. Intuitively, the more pairwise terms are used, the better the expected accuracy. However, there is currently no theoretical account of this intuition. This paper takes a significant step in this direction. We formulate the problem as classifying the vertices of a known graph G=(V,E), where the vertices and edges of the graph are labelled and correlate semi-randomly with the ground truth. We show that the prospects for achieving low expected Hamming error depend on the structure of the graph G in interesting ways. For example, if G is a very poor expander, like a path, then large expected Hamming error is inevitable. Our main positive result shows that, for a wide class of graphs including 2D grid graphs common in machine vision applications, there is a polynomial-time algorithm with small and information-theoretically near-optimal expected error. Our results provide a first step toward a theoretical justification for the empirical success of the efficient approximate inference algorithms that are used for structured prediction in models where exact inference is intractable.


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