ThermRad: A Multi-modal Dataset for Robust 3D Object Detection under Challenging Conditions

by   Qiao Yan, et al.

Robust 3D object detection in extreme weather and illumination conditions is a challenging task. While radars and thermal cameras are known for their resilience to these conditions, few studies have been conducted on radar-thermal fusion due to the lack of corresponding datasets. To address this gap, we first present a new multi-modal dataset called ThermRad, which includes a 3D LiDAR, a 4D radar, an RGB camera and a thermal camera. This dataset is unique because it includes data from all four sensors in extreme weather conditions, providing a valuable resource for future research in this area. To validate the robustness of 4D radars and thermal cameras for 3D object detection in challenging weather conditions, we propose a new multi-modal fusion method called RTDF-RCNN, which leverages the complementary strengths of 4D radars and thermal cameras to boost object detection performance. To further prove the effectiveness of our proposed framework, we re-implement state-of-the-art (SOTA) 3D detectors on our dataset as benchmarks for evaluation. Our method achieves significant enhancements in detecting cars, pedestrians, and cyclists, with improvements of over 7.98 respectively, while achieving comparable results to LiDAR-based approaches. Our contributions in both the ThermRad dataset and the new multi-modal fusion method provide a new approach to robust 3D object detection in adverse weather and illumination conditions. The ThermRad dataset will be released.


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