The Use of Covariate Adjustment in Randomized Controlled Trials: An Overview

by   Kelly Van Lancker, et al.

There has been a growing interest in covariate adjustment in the analysis of randomized controlled trials in past years. For instance, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently issued guidance that emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between conditional and marginal treatment effects. Although these effects coincide in linear models, this is not typically the case in other settings, and this distinction is often overlooked in clinical trial practice. Considering these developments, this paper provides a review of when and how to utilize covariate adjustment to enhance precision in randomized controlled trials. We describe the differences between conditional and marginal estimands and stress the necessity of aligning statistical analysis methods with the chosen estimand. Additionally, we highlight the potential misalignment of current practices in estimating marginal treatment effects. Instead, we advocate for the utilization of standardization, which can improve efficiency by leveraging the information contained in baseline covariates while remaining robust to model misspecification. Finally, we present practical considerations that have arisen in our respective consultations to further clarify the advantages and limitations of covariate adjustment.


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