The Trace Criterion for Kernel Bandwidth Selection for Support Vector Data Description
Support vector data description (SVDD) is a popular anomaly detection technique. The SVDD classifier partitions the whole data space into an inlier region, which consists of the region near the training data, and an outlier region, which consists of points away from the training data. The computation of the SVDD classifier requires a kernel function, for which the Gaussian kernel is a common choice. The Gaussian kernel has a bandwidth parameter, and it is important to set the value of this parameter correctly for good results. A small bandwidth leads to overfitting such that the resulting SVDD classifier overestimates the number of anomalies, whereas a large bandwidth leads to underfitting and an inability to detect many anomalies. In this paper, we present a new unsupervised method for selecting the Gaussian kernel bandwidth. Our method, which exploits the low-rank representation of the kernel matrix to suggest a kernel bandwidth value, is competitive with existing bandwidth selection methods.