The superadditivity effects of quantum capacity decrease with the dimension for qudit depolarizing channels

Quantum channel capacity is a fundamental quantity in order to understand how good can quantum information be transmitted or corrected when subjected to noise. However, it is generally not known how to compute such quantities, since the quantum channel coherent information is not additive for all channels, implying that it must be maximized over an unbounded number of channel uses. This leads to the phenomenon known as superadditivity, which refers to the fact that the regularized coherent information of n channel uses exceeds one-shot coherent information. In this letter, we study how the gain in quantum capacity of qudit depolarizing channels relates to the dimension of the systems considered. We make use of an argument based on the no-cloning bound in order to proof that the possible superaditive effects decrease as a function of the dimension for such family of channels. In addition, we prove that the capacity of the qudit depolarizing channel coincides with the coherent information when d→∞. We conclude that when high dimensional qudits experiencing depolarizing noise are considered, the coherent information of the channel is not only an achievable rate but essentially the maximum possible rate for any quantum block code.


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