The stress-free state of human erythrocytes: data driven inference of a transferable RBC model

by   Lucas Amoudruz, et al.

The stress-free state (SFS) of red blood cells (RBCs) is a fundamental reference configuration for the calibration of computational models, yet it remains unknown. Current experimental methods cannot measure the SFS of cells without affecting their mechanical properties while computational postulates are the subject of controversial discussions. Here, we introduce data driven estimates of the SFS shape and the visco-elastic properties of RBCs. We employ data from single-cell experiments that include measurements of the equilibrium shape, of stretched cells, and relaxation times of initially stretched RBCs. A hierarchical Bayesian model accounts for these experimental and data heterogeneities. We quantify, for the first time, the SFS of RBCs and use it to introduce a transferable RBC (t-RBC) model. The effectiveness of the proposed model is shown on predictions of unseen experimental conditions during the inference, including the critical stress of transitions between tumbling and tank-treading cells in shear flow. Our findings demonstrate that the proposed t-RBC model provides predictions of blood flows with unprecedented accuracy and quantified uncertainties.


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