The Power of Static Pricing for Reusable Resources

by   Adam N. Elmachtoub, et al.

We consider the problem of pricing a reusable resource service system. Potential customers arrive according to a Poisson process and purchase the service if their valuation exceeds the current price. If no units are available, customers immediately leave without service. Serving a customer corresponds to using one unit of the reusable resource, where the service time has an exponential distribution. The objective is to maximize the steady-state revenue rate. This system is equivalent to the classical Erlang loss model with price-sensitive customers, which has applications in vehicle sharing, cloud computing, and spare parts management. Although an optimal pricing policy is dynamic, we provide two main results that show a simple static policy is universally near-optimal for any service rate, arrival rate, and number of units in the system. When there is one class of customers who have a monotone hazard rate (MHR) valuation distribution, we prove that a static pricing policy guarantees 90.4% of the revenue from the optimal dynamic policy. When there are multiple classes of customers that each have their own regular valuation distribution and service rate, we prove that static pricing guarantees 78.9% of the revenue of the optimal dynamic policy. In this case, the optimal pricing policy is exponentially large in the number of classes while the static policy requires only one price per class. Moreover, we prove that the optimal static policy can be easily computed, resulting in the first polynomial time approximation algorithm for this problem.


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