The impact of students behaviour, their approach, emotions and problem difficulty level on the performance prediction, evaluation and overall learning process during online cod

by   Dr. Hardik Patel, et al.

Learning process while solving coding problems is quite complex to understand. It is extremely important to understand the skills which are required and gained during learning to code. As a first step to understand the students behaviour and approach during learning coding, two online coding assignments or competitions are conducted with a 1-hour time limit. A survey has been conducted at the end of each coding test and answers to different questions have been collected. In depth statistical analysis is done to understand the learning process while solving the coding problems. It involves lots of parameters including students behaviour, their approach and difficulty level of coding problems. The inclusion of mood and emotions related questions can improve overall prediction performance but difficulty level matters in the submission status prediction. Two coding assignments or competitions are analyzed through in-depth research on 229 (first coding competition dataset) and 325 (second coding competition dataset) data points. The primary results are promising and these results give in depth insights about how learning to solve coding problems is affected by students behaviour, their approach, emotions and problem difficulty level.


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