The Function Transformation Omics - Funomics

by   Yongshuai Jiang, et al.

There are no two identical leaves in the world, so how to find effective markers or features to distinguish them is an important issue. Function transformation, such as f(x,y) and f(x,y,z), can transform two, three, or multiple input/observation variables (in biology, it generally refers to the observed/measured value of biomarkers, biological characteristics, or other indicators) into a new output variable (new characteristics or indicators). This provided us a chance to re-cognize objective things or relationships beyond the original measurements. For example, Body Mass Index, which transform weight and high into a new indicator BMI=x/y^2 (where x is weight and y is high), is commonly used in to gauge obesity. Here, we proposed a new system, Funomics (Function Transformation Omics), for understanding the world in a different perspective. Funome can be understood as a set of math functions consist of basic elementary functions (such as power functions and exponential functions) and basic mathematical operations (such as addition, subtraction). By scanning the whole Funome, researchers can identify some special functions (called handsome functions) which can generate the novel important output variable (characteristics or indicators). We also start "the Funome project" to develop novel methods, function library and analysis software for Funome studies. The Funome project will accelerate the discovery of new useful indicators or characteristics, will improve the utilization efficiency of directly measured data, and will enhance our ability to understand the world. The analysis tools and data resources about the Funome project can be found gradually at


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