The Dynamics of Drop Breakup in Breaking Waves

by   Wai Hong Ronald Chan, et al.

Breaking surface waves generate drops of a broad range of sizes that have a significant influence on regional and global climates, as well as the identification of ship movements. Characterizing these phenomena requires a fundamental understanding of the underlying mechanisms behind drop production. The interscale nature of these mechanisms also influences the development of models that enable cost-effective computation of large-scale waves. Interscale locality implies the universality of small scales and the suitability of generic subgrid-scale (SGS) models, while interscale nonlocality points to the potential dependence of the small scales on larger-scale geometry configurations and the corresponding need for tailored SGS models instead. A recently developed analysis toolkit combining theoretical population balance models, multiphase numerical simulations, and structure-tracking algorithms is used to probe the nature of drop production and its corresponding interscale mass-transfer characteristics above the surface of breaking waves. The results from the application of this toolkit suggest that while drop breakup is a somewhat scale-nonlocal process, its interscale transfer signature suggests that it is likely capillary-dominated and thus sensitive not to the specific nature of large-scale wave breaking, but rather to the specific geometry of the parent drops.


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