The DAG Visit approach for Pebbling and I/O Lower Bounds

by   Gianfranco Bilardi, et al.

We introduce the notion of an r-visit of a Directed Acyclic Graph DAG G=(V,E), a sequence of the vertices of the DAG complying with a given rule r. A rule r specifies for each vertex v∈ V a family of r-enabling sets of (immediate) predecessors: before visiting v, at least one of its enabling sets must have been visited. Special cases are the r^(top)-rule (or, topological rule), for which the only enabling set is the set of all predecessors and the r^(sin)-rule (or, singleton rule), for which the enabling sets are the singletons containing exactly one predecessor. The r-boundary complexity of a DAG G, b_r(G), is the minimum integer b such that there is an r-visit where, at each stage, for at most b of the vertices yet to be visited an enabling set has already been visited. By a reformulation of known results, it is shown that the boundary complexity of a DAG G is a lower bound to the pebbling number of the reverse DAG, G^R. Several known pebbling lower bounds can be cast in terms of the r^(sin)-boundary complexity. A visit partition technique for I/O lower bounds, which generalizes the S-partition I/O technique introduced by Hong and Kung in their classic paper "I/O complexity: The Red-Blue pebble game". The visit partition approach yields tight I/O bounds for some DAGs for which the S-partition technique can only yield an Ω(1) lower bound.


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