The Contextual Lasso: Sparse Linear Models via Deep Neural Networks

by   Ryan Thompson, et al.

Sparse linear models are a gold standard tool for interpretable machine learning, a field of emerging importance as predictive models permeate decision-making in many domains. Unfortunately, sparse linear models are far less flexible as functions of their input features than black-box models like deep neural networks. With this capability gap in mind, we study a not-uncommon situation where the input features dichotomize into two groups: explanatory features, which we wish to explain the model's predictions, and contextual features, which we wish to determine the model's explanations. This dichotomy leads us to propose the contextual lasso, a new statistical estimator that fits a sparse linear model whose sparsity pattern and coefficients can vary with the contextual features. The fitting process involves learning a nonparametric map, realized via a deep neural network, from contextual feature vector to sparse coefficient vector. To attain sparse coefficients, we train the network with a novel lasso regularizer in the form of a projection layer that maps the network's output onto the space of ℓ_1-constrained linear models. Extensive experiments on real and synthetic data suggest that the learned models, which remain highly transparent, can be sparser than the regular lasso without sacrificing the predictive power of a standard deep neural network.


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