The computational asymptotics of Gaussian variational inference

by   Zuheng Xu, et al.

Variational inference is a popular alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods that constructs a Bayesian posterior approximation by minimizing a discrepancy to the true posterior within a pre-specified family. This converts Bayesian inference into an optimization problem, enabling the use of simple and scalable stochastic optimization algorithms. However, a key limitation of variational inference is that the optimal approximation is typically not tractable to compute; even in simple settings the problem is nonconvex. Thus, recently developed statistical guarantees – which all involve the (data) asymptotic properties of the optimal variational distribution – are not reliably obtained in practice. In this work, we provide two major contributions: a theoretical analysis of the asymptotic convexity properties of variational inference in the popular setting with a Gaussian family; and consistent stochastic variational inference (CSVI), an algorithm that exploits these properties to find the optimal approximation in the asymptotic regime. CSVI consists of a tractable initialization procedure that finds the local basin of the optimal solution, and a scaled gradient descent algorithm that stays locally confined to that basin. Experiments on nonconvex synthetic and real-data examples show that compared with standard stochastic gradient descent, CSVI improves the likelihood of obtaining the globally optimal posterior approximation.


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