Syn-Mediverse: A Multimodal Synthetic Dataset for Intelligent Scene Understanding of Healthcare Facilities

by   Rohit Mohan, et al.

Safety and efficiency are paramount in healthcare facilities where the lives of patients are at stake. Despite the adoption of robots to assist medical staff in challenging tasks such as complex surgeries, human expertise is still indispensable. The next generation of autonomous healthcare robots hinges on their capacity to perceive and understand their complex and frenetic environments. While deep learning models are increasingly used for this purpose, they require extensive annotated training data which is impractical to obtain in real-world healthcare settings. To bridge this gap, we present Syn-Mediverse, the first hyper-realistic multimodal synthetic dataset of diverse healthcare facilities. Syn-Mediverse contains over 48000 images from a simulated industry-standard optical tracking camera and provides more than 1.5M annotations spanning five different scene understanding tasks including depth estimation, object detection, semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and panoptic segmentation. We demonstrate the complexity of our dataset by evaluating the performance on a broad range of state-of-the-art baselines for each task. To further advance research on scene understanding of healthcare facilities, along with the public dataset we provide an online evaluation benchmark available at <>


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