Symmetric Formulas for Products of Permutations

by   William He, et al.

We study the formula complexity of the word problem ๐–ถ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–ฝ_S_n,k : {0,1}^kn^2โ†’{0,1}: given n-by-n permutation matrices M_1,โ€ฆ,M_k, compute the (1,1)-entry of the matrix product M_1โ‹ฏ M_k. An important feature of this function is that it is invariant under action of S_n^k-1 given by (ฯ€_1,โ€ฆ,ฯ€_k-1)(M_1,โ€ฆ,M_k) = (M_1ฯ€_1^-1,ฯ€_1M_2ฯ€_2^-1,โ€ฆ,ฯ€_k-2M_k-1ฯ€_k-1^-1,ฯ€_k-1M_k). This symmetry is also exhibited in the smallest known unbounded fan-in {๐– ๐–ญ๐–ฃ,๐–ฎ๐–ฑ,๐–ญ๐–ฎ๐–ณ}-formulas for ๐–ถ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–ฝ_S_n,k, which have size n^O(log k). In this paper we prove a matching n^ฮฉ(log k) lower bound for S_n^k-1-invariant formulas computing ๐–ถ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–ฝ_S_n,k. This result is motivated by the fact that a similar lower bound for unrestricted (non-invariant) formulas would separate complexity classes ๐–ญ๐–ข^1 and ๐–ซ๐—ˆ๐—€๐—Œ๐—‰๐–บ๐–ผ๐–พ. Our more general main theorem gives a nearly tight n^d(k^1/d-1) lower bound on the G^k-1-invariant depth-d {๐–ฌ๐– ๐–ฉ,๐– ๐–ญ๐–ฃ,๐–ฎ๐–ฑ,๐–ญ๐–ฎ๐–ณ}-formula size of ๐–ถ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–ฝ_G,k for any finite simple group G whose minimum permutation representation has degreeย n. We also give nearly tight lower bounds on the G^k-1-invariant depth-d {๐– ๐–ญ๐–ฃ,๐–ฎ๐–ฑ,๐–ญ๐–ฎ๐–ณ}-formula size in the case where G is an abelian group.


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