Supervision Adaptation Balances In-Distribution Generalization and Out-of-Distribution Detection

by   Zhilin Zhao, et al.

When there is a discrepancy between in-distribution (ID) samples and out-of-distribution (OOD) samples, deep neural networks trained on ID samples suffer from high-confidence prediction on OOD samples. This is primarily caused by unavailable OOD samples to constrain the networks in the training process. To improve the OOD sensitivity of deep networks, several state-of-the-art methods introduce samples from other real-world datasets as OOD samples to the training process and assign manually-determined labels to these OOD samples. However, they sacrifice the classification accuracy because the unreliable labeling of OOD samples would disrupt ID classification. To balance ID generalization and OOD detection, a major challenge to tackle is to make OOD samples compatible with ID ones, which is addressed by our proposed supervision adaptation method in this paper to define adaptive supervision information for OOD samples. First, by measuring the dependency between ID samples and their labels through mutual information, we reveal the form of the supervision information in terms of the negative probabilities of all classes. Second, after exploring the data correlations between ID and OOD samples by solving multiple binary regression problems, we estimate the supervision information to make ID classes more separable. We perform experiments on four advanced network architectures with two ID datasets and eleven OOD datasets to demonstrate the balancing effect of our supervision adaptation method in achieving both the ID classification ability and the OOD detection capacity.


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