Supervised Learning Using a Dressed Quantum Network with "Super Compressed Encoding": Algorithm and Quantum-Hardware-Based Implementation

by   Saurabh Kumar, et al.

Implementation of variational Quantum Machine Learning (QML) algorithms on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices is known to have issues related to the high number of qubits needed and the noise associated with multi-qubit gates. In this paper, we propose a variational QML algorithm using a dressed quantum network to address these issues. Using the "super compressed encoding" scheme that we follow here, the classical encoding layer in our dressed network drastically scales down the input-dimension, before feeding the input to the variational quantum circuit. Hence, the number of qubits needed in our quantum circuit goes down drastically. Also, unlike in most other existing QML algorithms, our quantum circuit consists only of single-qubit gates, making it robust against noise. These factors make our algorithm suitable for implementation on NISQ hardware. To support our argument, we implement our algorithm on real NISQ hardware and thereby show accurate classification using popular machine learning data-sets like Fisher's Iris, Wisconsin's Breast Cancer (WBC), and Abalone. Then, to provide an intuitive explanation for our algorithm's working, we demonstrate the clustering of quantum states, which correspond to the input-samples of different output-classes, on the Bloch sphere (using WBC and MNIST data-sets). This clustering happens as a result of the training process followed in our algorithm. Through this Bloch-sphere-based representation, we also show the distinct roles played (in training) by the adjustable parameters of the classical encoding layer and the adjustable parameters of the variational quantum circuit. These parameters are adjusted iteratively during training through loss-minimization.


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