Supervised Contrastive Learning with Structure Inference for Graph Classification

by   Hao Jia, et al.

Advanced graph neural networks have shown great potentials in graph classification tasks recently. Different from node classification where node embeddings aggregated from local neighbors can be directly used to learn node labels, graph classification requires a hierarchical accumulation of different levels of topological information to generate discriminative graph embeddings. Still, how to fully explore graph structures and formulate an effective graph classification pipeline remains rudimentary. In this paper, we propose a novel graph neural network based on supervised contrastive learning with structure inference for graph classification. First, we propose a data-driven graph augmentation strategy that can discover additional connections to enhance the existing edge set. Concretely, we resort to a structure inference stage based on diffusion cascades to recover possible connections with high node similarities. Second, to improve the contrastive power of graph neural networks, we propose to use a supervised contrastive loss for graph classification. With the integration of label information, the one-vs-many contrastive learning can be extended to a many-vs-many setting, so that the graph-level embeddings with higher topological similarities will be pulled closer. The supervised contrastive loss and structure inference can be naturally incorporated within the hierarchical graph neural networks where the topological patterns can be fully explored to produce discriminative graph embeddings. Experiment results show the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with recent state-of-the-art methods.


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