Super learning for daily streamflow forecasting: Large-scale demonstration and comparison with multiple machine learning algorithms
Daily streamflow forecasting through data-driven approaches is traditionally performed using a single machine learning algorithm. Existing applications are mostly restricted to examination of few case studies, not allowing accurate assessment of the predictive performance of the algorithms involved. Here we propose super learning (a type of ensemble learning) by combining 10 machine learning algorithms. We apply the proposed algorithm in one-step ahead forecasting mode. For the application, we exploit a big dataset consisting of 10-year long time series of daily streamflow, precipitation and temperature from 511 basins. The super learner improves over the performance of the linear regression algorithm by 20.06 equal weight combiner. The latter improves over the performance of the linear regression algorithm by 19.21 algorithm is neural networks, which improves over the performance of the linear regression algorithm by 16.73 (16.40 (12.36 Based on the obtained large-scale results, we propose super learning for daily streamflow forecasting.