Subadditivity of Probability Divergences on Bayes-Nets with Applications to Time Series GANs

by   Mucong Ding, et al.

GANs for time series data often use sliding windows or self-attention to capture underlying time dependencies. While these techniques have no clear theoretical justification, they are successful in significantly reducing the discriminator size, speeding up the training process, and improving the generation quality. In this paper, we provide both theoretical foundations and a practical framework of GANs for high-dimensional distributions with conditional independence structure captured by a Bayesian network, such as time series data. We prove that several probability divergences satisfy subadditivity properties with respect to the neighborhoods of the Bayes-net graph, providing an upper bound on the distance between two Bayes-nets by the sum of (local) distances between their marginals on every neighborhood of the graph. This leads to our proposed Subadditive GAN framework that uses a set of simple discriminators on the neighborhoods of the Bayes-net, rather than a giant discriminator on the entire network, providing significant statistical and computational benefits. We show that several probability distances including Jensen-Shannon, Total Variation, and Wasserstein, have subadditivity or generalized subadditivity. Moreover, we prove that Integral Probability Metrics (IPMs), which encompass commonly-used loss functions in GANs, also enjoy a notion of subadditivity under some mild conditions. Furthermore, we prove that nearly all f-divergences satisfy local subadditivity in which subadditivity holds when the distributions are relatively close. Our experiments on synthetic as well as real-world datasets verify the proposed theory and the benefits of subadditive GANs.


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