StorSeismic: A new paradigm in deep learning for seismic processing

by   Randy Harsuko, et al.

Machine learned tasks on seismic data are often trained sequentially and separately, even though they utilize the same features (i.e. geometrical) of the data. We present StorSeismic, as a framework for seismic data processing, which consists of neural network pre-training and fine-tuning procedures. We, specifically, utilize a neural network as a preprocessing model to store seismic data features of a particular dataset for any downstream tasks. After pre-training, the resulting model can be utilized later, through a fine-tuning procedure, to perform tasks using limited additional training. Used often in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and lately in vision tasks, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer), a form of a Transformer model, provides an optimal platform for this framework. The attention mechanism of BERT, applied here on a sequence of traces within the shot gather, is able to capture and store key geometrical features of the seismic data. We pre-train StorSeismic on field data, along with synthetically generated ones, in the self-supervised step. Then, we use the labeled synthetic data to fine-tune the pre-trained network in a supervised fashion to perform various seismic processing tasks, like denoising, velocity estimation, first arrival picking, and NMO. Finally, the fine-tuned model is used to obtain satisfactory inference results on the field data.


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