Stereo-based terrain traversability analysis using normal-based segmentation and superpixel surface analysis

by   Aras R. Dargazany, et al.

In this paper, an stereo-based traversability analysis approach for all terrains in off-road mobile robotics, e.g. Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) is proposed. This approach reformulates the problem of terrain traversability analysis into two main problems: (1) 3D terrain reconstruction and (2) terrain all surfaces detection and analysis. The proposed approach is using stereo camera for perception and 3D reconstruction of the terrain. In order to detect all the existing surfaces in the 3D reconstructed terrain as superpixel surfaces (i.e. segments), an image segmentation technique is applied using geometry-based features (pixel-based surface normals). Having detected all the surfaces, Superpixel Surface Traversability Analysis approach (SSTA) is applied on all of the detected surfaces (superpixel segments) in order to classify them based on their traversability index. The proposed SSTA approach is based on: (1) Superpixel surface normal and plane estimation, (2) Traversability analysis using superpixel surface planes. Having analyzed all the superpixel surfaces based on their traversability, these surfaces are finally classified into five main categories as following: traversable, semi-traversable, non-traversable, unknown and undecided.


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