Statistical Learning using Sparse Deep Neural Networks in Empirical Risk Minimization

by   Shujie Ma, et al.

We consider a sparse deep ReLU network (SDRN) estimator obtained from empirical risk minimization with a Lipschitz loss function in the presence of a large number of features. Our framework can be applied to a variety of regression and classification problems. The unknown target function to estimate is assumed to be in a Sobolev space with mixed derivatives. Functions in this space only need to satisfy a smoothness condition rather than having a compositional structure. We develop non-asymptotic excess risk bounds for our SDRN estimator. We further derive that the SDRN estimator can achieve the same minimax rate of estimation (up to logarithmic factors) as one-dimensional nonparametric regression when the dimension of the features is fixed, and the estimator has a suboptimal rate when the dimension grows with the sample size. We show that the depth and the total number of nodes and weights of the ReLU network need to grow as the sample size increases to ensure a good performance, and also investigate how fast they should increase with the sample size. These results provide an important theoretical guidance and basis for empirical studies by deep neural networks.


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