Star Routing: Between Vehicle Routing and Vertex Cover

by   Diego Delle Donne, et al.

We consider an optimization problem posed by an actual newspaper company, which consists of computing a minimum length route for a delivery truck, such that the driver only stops at street crossings, each time delivering copies to all customers adjacent to the crossing. This can be modeled as an abstract problem that takes an unweighted simple graph G = (V, E) and a subset of edges X and asks for a shortest cycle, not necessarily simple, such that every edge of X has an endpoint in the cycle. We show that the decision version of the problem is strongly NP-complete, even if G is a grid graph. Regarding approximate solutions, we show that the general case of the problem is APX-hard, and thus no PTAS is possible unless P = NP. Despite the hardness of approximation, we show that given any α-approximation algorithm for metric TSP, we can build a 3α-approximation algorithm for our optimization problem, yielding a concrete 9/2-approximation algorithm. The grid case is of particular importance, because it models a city map or some part of it. A usual scenario is having some neighborhood full of customers, which translates as an instance of the abstract problem where almost every edge of G is in X. We model this property as |E - X| = o(|E|), and for these instances we give a (3/2 + ε)-approximation algorithm, for any ε > 0, provided that the grid is sufficiently big.


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