Stage-Aware Feature Alignment Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes

by   Xi Weng, et al.

Over the past few years, deep convolutional neural network-based methods have made great progress in semantic segmentation of street scenes. Some recent methods align feature maps to alleviate the semantic gap between them and achieve high segmentation accuracy. However, they usually adopt the feature alignment modules with the same network configuration in the decoder and thus ignore the different roles of stages of the decoder during feature aggregation, leading to a complex decoder structure. Such a manner greatly affects the inference speed. In this paper, we present a novel Stage-aware Feature Alignment Network (SFANet) based on the encoder-decoder structure for real-time semantic segmentation of street scenes. Specifically, a Stage-aware Feature Alignment module (SFA) is proposed to align and aggregate two adjacent levels of feature maps effectively. In the SFA, by taking into account the unique role of each stage in the decoder, a novel stage-aware Feature Enhancement Block (FEB) is designed to enhance spatial details and contextual information of feature maps from the encoder. In this way, we are able to address the misalignment problem with a very simple and efficient multi-branch decoder structure. Moreover, an auxiliary training strategy is developed to explicitly alleviate the multi-scale object problem without bringing additional computational costs during the inference phase. Experimental results show that the proposed SFANet exhibits a good balance between accuracy and speed for real-time semantic segmentation of street scenes. In particular, based on ResNet-18, SFANet respectively obtains 78.1 Intersection-over-Union (mIoU) at inference speeds of 37 FPS and 96 FPS on the challenging Cityscapes and CamVid test datasets by using only a single GTX 1080Ti GPU.


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