Stable Parallel Looped Systems -- A New Theoretical Framework for the Evolution of Order

by   Muralidhar Ravuri, et al.

The objective of the paper is to identify laws and mechanisms that allow the creation of more order from disorder using natural means i.e., without the help of conscious beings. While this is not possible for the collection of all dynamical systems as it violates the second law of thermodynamics, I show that this is possible within a special subset called stable parallel looped (SPL) dynamical systems. I identify a new infinite family of physical and chemical dynamical SPL systems, which are (a) easy to create naturally and (b) easy to merge, link and combine to create dynamical systems of any specified complexity. Within SPL systems, I propose a special collection of designs called active material-energy looped systems using which it is possible to generate large-scale ordered chemical networks, like the metabolic networks, in a reliable, repeatable, iterative and natural manner. The resulting SPL systems provide a new theoretical framework for the problem of origin of life.


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