SPR:Supervised Personalized Ranking Based on Prior Knowledge for Recommendation

by   Chun Yang, et al.

The goal of a recommendation system is to model the relevance between each user and each item through the user-item interaction history, so that maximize the positive samples score and minimize negative samples. Currently, two popular loss functions are widely used to optimize recommender systems: the pointwise and the pairwise. Although these loss functions are widely used, however, there are two problems. (1) These traditional loss functions do not fit the goals of recommendation systems adequately and utilize prior knowledge information sufficiently. (2) The slow convergence speed of these traditional loss functions makes the practical application of various recommendation models difficult. To address these issues, we propose a novel loss function named Supervised Personalized Ranking (SPR) Based on Prior Knowledge. The proposed method improves the BPR loss by exploiting the prior knowledge on the interaction history of each user or item in the raw data. Unlike BPR, instead of constructing <user, positive item, negative item> triples, the proposed SPR constructs <user, similar user, positive item, negative item> quadruples. Although SPR is very simple, it is very effective. Extensive experiments show that our proposed SPR not only achieves better recommendation performance, but also significantly accelerates the convergence speed, resulting in a significant reduction in the required training time.


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