Spherical Image Generation from a Single Normal Field of View Image by Considering Scene Symmetry

by   Takayuki Hara, et al.

Spherical images taken in all directions (360 degrees) allow representing the surroundings of the subject and the space itself, providing an immersive experience to the viewers. Generating a spherical image from a single normal-field-of-view (NFOV) image is convenient and considerably expands the usage scenarios because there is no need to use a specific panoramic camera or take images from multiple directions; however, it is still a challenging and unsolved problem. The primary challenge is controlling the high degree of freedom involved in generating a wide area that includes the all directions of the desired plausible spherical image. On the other hand, scene symmetry is a basic property of the global structure of the spherical images, such as rotation symmetry, plane symmetry and asymmetry. We propose a method to generate spherical image from a single NFOV image, and control the degree of freedom of the generated regions using scene symmetry. We incorporate scene-symmetry parameters as latent variables into conditional variational autoencoders, following which we learn the conditional probability of spherical images for NFOV images and scene symmetry. Furthermore, the probability density functions are represented using neural networks, and scene symmetry is implemented using both circular shift and flip of the hidden variables. Our experiments show that the proposed method can generate various plausible spherical images, controlled from symmetric to asymmetric.


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