Speeding Up Sparsification using Inner Product Search Data Structures

by   Zhao Song, et al.

We present a general framework that utilizes different efficient data structures to improve various sparsification problems involving an iterative process. We also provide insights and characterization for different iterative process, and answer that when should we use which data structures in what type of problem. We obtain improved running time for the following problems. * For constructing linear-sized spectral sparsifier (Batson, Spielman and Srivastava, 2012), all the existing deterministic algorithms require Ω(d^4) time. In this work, we provide the first deterministic algorithm that breaks that barrier which runs in O(d^ω+1) time, where ω is the exponent of matrix multiplication. * For one-sided Kadison-Singer-typed discrepancy problem, we give fast algorithms for both small and large number of iterations. * For experimental design problem, we speed up a key swapping process. In the heart of our work is the design of a variety of different inner product search data structures that have efficient initialization, query and update time, compatible to dimensionality reduction and robust against adaptive adversary.


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