Spectral Transfer Guided Active Domain Adaptation For Thermal Imagery

by   Berkcan Ustun, et al.

The exploitation of visible spectrum datasets has led deep networks to show remarkable success. However, real-world tasks include low-lighting conditions which arise performance bottlenecks for models trained on large-scale RGB image datasets. Thermal IR cameras are more robust against such conditions. Therefore, the usage of thermal imagery in real-world applications can be useful. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) allows transferring information from a source domain to a fully unlabeled target domain. Despite substantial improvements in UDA, the performance gap between UDA and its supervised learning counterpart remains significant. By picking a small number of target samples to annotate and using them in training, active domain adaptation tries to mitigate this gap with minimum annotation expense. We propose an active domain adaptation method in order to examine the efficiency of combining the visible spectrum and thermal imagery modalities. When the domain gap is considerably large as in the visible-to-thermal task, we may conclude that the methods without explicit domain alignment cannot achieve their full potential. To this end, we propose a spectral transfer guided active domain adaptation method to select the most informative unlabeled target samples while aligning source and target domains. We used the large-scale visible spectrum dataset MS-COCO as the source domain and the thermal dataset FLIR ADAS as the target domain to present the results of our method. Extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art active domain adaptation methods. The code and models are publicly available.


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