Specification of State and Time Constraints for Runtime Verification of Functions

by   Joshua Heneage Dawes, et al.

Techniques for runtime verification often utilise specification languages that are (i) reasonably expressive, and (ii) relatively abstract (i.e. they operate on a level of abstraction that separates them from the system being monitored). Inspired by the problem of monitoring systems involved in processing data generated by the high energy physics experiments at CERN, this report proposes a specification language, Control Flow Temporal Logic (CFTL), whose distinguishing characteristic is its tight coupling with the control flow of the programs for which it is used to write specifications. This coupling leads to a departure from the typically high level of abstraction used by most temporal logics. The remaining contributions are a static-analysis based instrumentation process, which is specific to CFTL and its formulas' structure, and a monitoring algorithm. The report concludes with analyses of CFTL and its monitoring algorithm when applied to a number of example programs.


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