Specification Inference from Demonstrations

Learning from expert demonstrations has received a lot of attention in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The goal is to infer the underlying reward function that an agent is optimizing given a set of observations of the agent's behavior over time in a variety of circumstances, the system state trajectories, and a plant model specifying the evolution of the system state for different agent's actions. The system is often modeled as a Markov decision process, that is, the next state depends only on the current state and agent's action, and the the agent's choice of action depends only on the current state. While the former is a Markovian assumption on the evolution of system state, the later assumes that the target reward function is itself Markovian. In this work, we explore learning a class of non-Markovian reward functions, known in the formal methods literature as specifications. These specifications offer better composition, transferability, and interpretability. We then show that inferring the specification can be done efficiently without unrolling the transition system. We demonstrate on a 2-d grid world example.


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