Specification and Automated Analysis of Inter-Parameter Dependencies in Web APIs

by   Alberto Martin-Lopez, et al.

Web services often impose inter-parameter dependencies that restrict the way in which two or more input parameters can be combined to form valid calls to the service. Unfortunately, current specification languages for web services like the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) provide no support for the formal description of such dependencies, which makes it hardly possible to automatically discover and interact with services without human intervention. In this article, we present an approach for the specification and automated analysis of inter-parameter dependencies in web APIs. We first present a domain-specific language, called Inter-parameter Dependency Language (IDL), for the specification of dependencies among input parameters in web services. Then, we propose a mapping to translate an IDL document into a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), enabling the automated analysis of IDL specifications using standard CSP-based reasoning operations. Specifically, we present a catalogue of nine analysis operations on IDL documents allowing to compute, for example, whether a given request satisfies all the dependencies of the service. Finally, we present a tool suite including an editor, a parser, an OAS extension, a constraint programming-aided library, and a test suite supporting IDL specifications and their analyses. Together, these contributions pave the way for a new range of specification-driven applications in areas such as code generation and testing.


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