Sparse Bayesian Factor Analysis when the Number of Factors is Unknown

Despite the popularity of sparse factor models, little attention has been given to formally address identifiability of these models beyond standard rotation-based identification such as the positive lower triangular constraint. To fill this gap, we provide a counting rule on the number of nonzero factor loadings that is sufficient for achieving uniqueness of the variance decomposition in the factor representation. Furthermore, we introduce the generalised lower triangular representation to resolve rotational invariance and show that within this model class the unknown number of common factors can be recovered in an overfitting sparse factor model. By combining point-mass mixture priors with a highly efficient and customised MCMC scheme, we obtain posterior summaries regarding the number of common factors as well as the factor loadings via postprocessing. Our methodology is illustrated for monthly exchange rates of 22 currencies with respect to the euro over a period of eight years and for monthly log returns of 73 firms from the NYSE100 over a period of 20 years.


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