Social Media Personal Event Notifier Using NLP and Machine Learning

by   Pavithiran G, et al.

Social media apps have become very promising and omnipresent in daily life. Most social media apps are used to deliver vital information to those nearby and far away. As our lives become more hectic, many of us strive to limit our usage of social media apps because they are too addictive, and the majority of us have gotten preoccupied with our daily lives. Because of this, we frequently overlook crucial information, such as invitations to weddings, interviews, birthday parties, etc., or find ourselves unable to attend the event. In most cases, this happens because users are more likely to discover the invitation or information only before the event, giving them little time to prepare. To solve this issue, in this study, we created a system that will collect social media chat and filter it using Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods like Tokenization, Stop Words Removal, Lemmatization, Segmentation, and Named Entity Recognition (NER). Also, Machine Learning Algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Algorithm are implemented to prioritize the received invitation and to sort the level of priority. Finally, a customized notification will be delivered to the users where they acknowledge the upcoming event. So, the chances of missing the event are less or can be planned.


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