Social-Cultural Factors in the Design of Technology for Hispanic People with Stroke

by   Elizabeth D. Vasquez, et al.

Stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. There exist disparities in both stroke prevalence and outcomes between people with stroke in Hispanic and Latinx communities and the general stroke population. Current stroke technology - which aims to improve quality of life and bring people with stroke to the most functional, independent state possible - has shown promising results for the general stroke population, but has failed to close the recovery outcome gap for underserved Hispanic and Latinx people with stroke. Previous work in health education, digital health, and HRI has improved human health outcomes by incorporating social-cultural factors, though not for stroke. In this position paper, we aim to justify accounting for unique cultural factors in stroke technology design for the Hispanic and Latinx community. We review examples of successful culturally appropriate interventions and suggest design considerations (mutually beneficial community consultation, accommodating for barriers beforehand, building on culture, and incorporating education of the family) to provide more culturally appropriate design of Hispanic and Latinx stroke technology and reduce the disparity gap.


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