Skin Lesion Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Cancerous skin lesions are one of the most common malignancies detected in humans, and if not detected at an early stage, they can lead to death. Therefore, it is crucial to have access to accurate results early on to optimize the chances of survival. Unfortunately, accurate results are typically obtained by highly trained dermatologists, who may not be accessible to many people, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. Artificial Intelligence (AI) appears to be a potential solution to this problem, as it has proven to provide equal or even better diagnoses than healthcare professionals. This project aims to address the issue by collecting state-of-the-art techniques for image classification from various fields and implementing them. Some of these techniques include mixup, presizing, and test-time augmentation, among others. Three architectures were used for the implementation: DenseNet121, VGG16 with batch normalization, and ResNet50. The models were designed with two main purposes. First, to classify images into seven categories, including melanocytic nevus, melanoma, benign keratosis-like lesions, basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratoses and intraepithelial carcinoma, vascular lesions, and dermatofibroma. Second, to classify images into benign or malignant. The models were trained using a dataset of 8012 images, and their performance was evaluated using 2003 images. It's worth noting that this model is trained end-to-end, directly from the image to the labels, without the need for handcrafted feature extraction.


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