SketchOGD: Memory-Efficient Continual Learning

by   Benjamin Wright, et al.

When machine learning models are trained continually on a sequence of tasks, they are liable to forget what they learned on previous tasks – a phenomenon known as catastrophic forgetting. Proposed solutions to catastrophic forgetting tend to involve storing information about past tasks, meaning that memory usage is a chief consideration in determining their practicality. This paper proposes a memory-efficient solution to catastrophic forgetting, improving upon an established algorithm known as orthogonal gradient descent (OGD). OGD utilizes prior model gradients to find weight updates that preserve performance on prior datapoints. However, since the memory cost of storing prior model gradients grows with the runtime of the algorithm, OGD is ill-suited to continual learning over arbitrarily long time horizons. To address this problem, this paper proposes SketchOGD. SketchOGD employs an online sketching algorithm to compress model gradients as they are encountered into a matrix of a fixed, user-determined size. In contrast to existing memory-efficient variants of OGD, SketchOGD runs online without the need for advance knowledge of the total number of tasks, is simple to implement, and is more amenable to analysis. We provide theoretical guarantees on the approximation error of the relevant sketches under a novel metric suited to the downstream task of OGD. Experimentally, we find that SketchOGD tends to outperform current state-of-the-art variants of OGD given a fixed memory budget.


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