Simulating Noisy Quantum Circuits for Cryptographic Algorithms

by   Sahay Harshvardhan, et al.

The emergence of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers has important consequences for cryptographic algorithms. It is theoretically well-established that key algorithms used in cybersecurity are vulnerable to quantum computers due to the fact that theoretical security guarantees, designed based on algorithmic complexity for classical computers, are not sufficient for quantum circuits. Many different quantum algorithms have been developed, which have potentially broad applications on future computing systems. However, this potential depends on the continued maturation of quantum hardware, which remains an area of active research and development. Theoretical limits provide an upper bound on the performance for algorithms. In practice, threats to encryption can only be accurately be assessed in the context of the rapidly evolving hardware and software landscape. Software co-design refers to the concurrent design of software and hardware as a way to understand the limitations of current capabilities and develop effective strategies to advance the state of the art. Since the capabilities for classical computation currently exceed quantum capabilities, quantum emulation techniques can play an important role in the co-design process. In this paper, we describe how the cuQuantum environment can support quantum algorithm co-design activities using widely-available commodity hardware. We describe how emulation techniques can be used to assess the impact of noise on algorithms of interest, and identify limitations associated with current hardware. We present our analysis in the context of areas of priority for cybersecurity and cryptography in particular since these algorithms are extraordinarily consequential for securing information in the digital world.


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