Simple Methods For Drawing Rational Surfaces as Four or Six Bezier Patches

by   Jean Gallier, et al.

In this paper, we give several simple methods for drawing a whole rational surface (without base points) as several Bezier patches. The first two methods apply to surfaces specified by triangular control nets and partition the real projective plane RP2 into four and six triangles respectively. The third method applies to surfaces specified by rectangular control nets and partitions the torus RP1 X RP1 into four rectangular regions. In all cases, the new control nets are obtained by sign flipping and permutation of indices from the original control net. The proofs that these formulae are correct involve very little computations and instead exploit the geometry of the parameter space (RP2 or RP1 X RP1). We illustrate our method on some classical examples. We also propose a new method for resolving base points using a simple "blowing up" technique involving the computation of "resolved" control nets.


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