Sharper Model-free Reinforcement Learning for Average-reward Markov Decision Processes

by   Zihan Zhang, et al.

We develop several provably efficient model-free reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for infinite-horizon average-reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). We consider both online setting and the setting with access to a simulator. In the online setting, we propose model-free RL algorithms based on reference-advantage decomposition. Our algorithm achieves O(S^5A^2sp(h^*)√(T)) regret after T steps, where S× A is the size of state-action space, and sp(h^*) the span of the optimal bias function. Our results are the first to achieve optimal dependence in T for weakly communicating MDPs. In the simulator setting, we propose a model-free RL algorithm that finds an ϵ-optimal policy using O(SAsp^2(h^*)/ϵ^2+S^2Asp(h^*)/ϵ) samples, whereas the minimax lower bound is Ω(SAsp(h^*)/ϵ^2). Our results are based on two new techniques that are unique in the average-reward setting: 1) better discounted approximation by value-difference estimation; 2) efficient construction of confidence region for the optimal bias function with space complexity O(SA).


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