ServerMix: Tradeoffs and Challenges of Serverless Data Analytics

by   Pedro García López, et al.

Serverless computing has become very popular today since it largely simplifies cloud programming. Developers do not need to longer worry about provisioning or operating servers, and they pay only for the compute resources used when their code is run. This new cloud paradigm suits well for many applications, and researchers have already begun investigating the feasibility of serverless computing for data analytics. Unfortunately, today's serverless computing presents important limitations that make it really difficult to support all sorts of analytics workloads. This paper first starts by analyzing three fundamental trade-offs of today's serverless computing model and their relationship with data analytics. It studies how by relaxing disaggregation, isolation, and simple scheduling, it is possible to increase the overall computing performance, but at the expense of essential aspects of the model such as elasticity, security, or sub-second activations, respectively. The consequence of these trade-offs is that analytics applications may well end up embracing hybrid systems composed of serverless and serverful components, which we call Servermix in this paper. We will review the existing related work to show that most applications can be actually categorized as Servermix. Finally, this paper will introduce the major challenges of the CloudButton research project to manage these trade-offs.


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