Sequentially Sampled Chunk Conformer for Streaming End-to-End ASR

by   Fangyuan Wang, et al.

This paper presents an in-depth study on a Sequentially Sampled Chunk Conformer, SSC-Conformer, for streaming End-to-End (E2E) ASR. The SSC-Conformer first demonstrates the significant performance gains from using the sequentially sampled chunk-wise multi-head self-attention (SSC-MHSA) in the Conformer encoder by allowing efficient cross-chunk interactions while keeping linear complexities. Furthermore, it explores taking advantage of chunked convolution to make use of the chunk-wise future context and integrates with casual convolution in the convolution layers to further reduce CER. We verify the proposed SSC-Conformer on the AISHELL-1 benchmark and experimental results show that a state-of-the-art performance for streaming E2E ASR is achieved with CER 5.33 SSC-Conformer can train with large batch sizes and infer more efficiently.


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