Sensing-Assisted Communication in Vehicular Networks with Intelligent Surface

by   Kaitao Meng, et al.

The recent development of integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) technology offers new opportunities to meet high-throughput and low-latency communication as well as high-resolution localization requirements in vehicular networks. However, considering the limited transmit power of the road site units (RSUs) and the relatively small radar cross section (RCS) of vehicles with random reflection coefficients, the power of echo signals may be too weak to be utilized for effective target detection and tracking. Moreover, high-frequency signals usually suffer from large fading loss when penetrating vehicles, which seriously degrades the quality of communication services inside the vehicles. To handle this issue, we propose a novel sensing-assisted communication mechanism by employing an intelligent omni-surface (IOS) on the surface of vehicles to enhance both sensing and communication (S C) performance. To this end, we first propose a two-stage ISAC protocol, including the joint S C stage and the communication-only stage, to fulfill more efficient communication performance improvements benefited from sensing. The achievable communication rate maximization problem is formulated by jointly optimizing the transmit beamforming, the IOS phase shifts, and the duration of the joint S C stage. However, solving this ISAC optimization problem is highly non-trivial since inaccurate estimation and measurement information renders the achievable rate lack of closed-form expression. To handle this issue, we first derive a closed-form expression of the achievable rate under uncertain location information, and then unveil a sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of the joint S C stage to offer useful insights for practical system design. Moreover, two typical scenarios including interference-limited and noise-limited cases are analyzed.


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