Sense The Physical, Walkthrough The Virtual, Manage The Metaverse: A Data-centric Perspective

by   Beng Chin Ooi, et al.

In the Metaverse, the physical space and the virtual space co-exist, and interact simultaneously. While the physical space is virtually enhanced with information, the virtual space is continuously refreshed with real-time, real-world information. To allow users to process and manipulate information seamlessly between the real and digital spaces, novel technologies must be developed. These include smart interfaces, new augmented realities, efficient storage and data management and dissemination techniques. In this paper, we first discuss some promising co-space applications. These applications offer experiences and opportunities that neither of the spaces can realize on its own. We then argue that the database community has much to offer to this field. Finally, we present several challenges that we, as a community, can contribute towards managing the Metaverse.


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