SensAI+Expanse Emotional Valence Prediction Studies with Cognition and Memory Integration

by   Nuno A. C. Henriques, et al.

The humans are affective and cognitive beings relying on memories for their individual and social identities. Also, human dyadic bonds require some common beliefs such as empathetic behaviour for better interaction. In this sense, research studies involving human-agent interaction should resource on affect, cognition, and memory integration. The developed artificial agent system (SensAI+Expanse) includes machine learning algorithms, heuristics, and memory as cognition aids towards emotional valence prediction on the interacting human. Further, an adaptive empathy score is always present in order to engage the human in a recognisable interaction outcome. [...] The agent is resilient on collecting data, adapts its cognitive processes to each human individual in a learning best effort for proper contextualised prediction. The current study make use of an achieved adaptive process. Also, the use of individual prediction models with specific options of the learning algorithm and evaluation metric from a previous research study. The accomplished solution includes a highly performant prediction ability, an efficient energy use, and feature importance explanation for predicted probabilities. Results of the present study show evidence of significant emotional valence behaviour differences between some age ranges and gender combinations. Therefore, this work contributes with an artificial intelligent agent able to assist on cognitive science studies. This ability is about affective disturbances by means of predicting human emotional valence contextualised in space and time. Moreover, contributes with learning processes and heuristics fit to the task including economy of cognition and memory to cope with the environment. Finally, these contributions include an achieved age and gender neutrality on predicting emotional valence states in context and with very good performance for each individual.


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