Semi-Supervised City-Wide Parking Availability Prediction via Hierarchical Recurrent Graph Neural Network

by   Tianqing, et al.

The ability to predict city-wide parking availability is crucial for the successful development of Parking Guidance and Information (PGI) systems. The effective prediction of city-wide parking availability can boost parking efficiency, improve urban planning, and ultimately alleviate city congestion. However, it is a non-trivial task for city-wide parking availability prediction because of three major challenges: 1) the non-Euclidean spatial autocorrelation among parking lots, 2) the dynamic temporal autocorrelation inside of and between parking lots, and 3) the scarcity of information about real-time parking availability obtained from real-time sensors (e.g., camera, ultrasonic sensor, and bluetooth sensor). To this end, we propose a Semi-supervised Hierarchical Recurrent Graph Neural Network-X (SHARE-X) to predict parking availability of each parking lot within a city. Specifically, we first propose a hierarchical graph convolution module to model the non-Euclidean spatial autocorrelation among parking lots. Along this line, a contextual graph convolution block and a multi-resolution soft clustering graph convolution block are respectively proposed to capture local and global spatial dependencies between parking lots. Moreover, we devise a hierarchical attentive recurrent network module to incorporate both short and long-term dynamic temporal dependencies of parking lots. Additionally, a parking availability approximation module is introduced to estimate missing real-time parking availabilities from both spatial and temporal domains. Finally, experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that SHARE-X outperforms eight state-of-the-art baselines in parking availability prediction.


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Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Recurrent Graph Neural Network for City-Wide Parking Availability Prediction

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