Self-Taught Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning with Weakly Supervised Object Localization and Task-Decomposition

by   Xiyao Liu, et al.

The domain shift between the source and target domain is the main challenge in Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning (CD-FSL). However, the target domain is absolutely unknown during the training on the source domain, which results in lacking directed guidance for target tasks. We observe that since there are similar backgrounds in target domains, it can apply self-labeled samples as prior tasks to transfer knowledge onto target tasks. To this end, we propose a task-expansion-decomposition framework for CD-FSL, called Self-Taught (ST) approach, which alleviates the problem of non-target guidance by constructing task-oriented metric spaces. Specifically, Weakly Supervised Object Localization (WSOL) and self-supervised technologies are employed to enrich task-oriented samples by exchanging and rotating the discriminative regions, which generates a more abundant task set. Then these tasks are decomposed into several tasks to finish the task of few-shot recognition and rotation classification. It helps to transfer the source knowledge onto the target tasks and focus on discriminative regions. We conduct extensive experiments under the cross-domain setting including 8 target domains: CUB, Cars, Places, Plantae, CropDieases, EuroSAT, ISIC, and ChestX. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ST approach is applicable to various metric-based models, and provides promising improvements in CD-FSL.


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