Self-supervised EEG Representation Learning for Automatic Sleep Staging

by   Chaoqi Yang, et al.

Objective: In this paper, we aim to learn robust vector representations from massive unlabeled Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, such that the learned representations (1) are expressive enough to replace the raw signals in the sleep staging task; and (2) provide better predictive performance than supervised models in scenarios of fewer labels and noisy samples. Materials and Methods: We propose a self-supervised model, named Contrast with the World Representation (ContraWR), for EEG signal representation learning, which uses global statistics from the dataset to distinguish signals associated with different sleep stages. The ContraWR model is evaluated on three real-world EEG datasets that include both at-home and in-lab recording settings. Results: ContraWR outperforms recent self-supervised learning methods, MoCo, SimCLR, BYOL, SimSiam on the sleep staging task across three datasets. ContraWR also beats supervised learning when fewer training labels are available (e.g., 4 provides informative representations in 2D projection. Discussion: The proposed model can be generalized to other unsupervised physiological signal learning tasks. Future directions include exploring task-specific data augmentations and combining self-supervised with supervised methods, building upon the initial success of self-supervised learning in this paper. Conclusions: We show that ContraWR is robust to noise and can provide high-quality EEG representations for downstream prediction tasks. In low-label scenarios (e.g., only 2 predictive power (e.g., 4 supervised baselines.


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